Savor the Season with Fresh Foods

Use this guide to enjoy the best fruits and veggies


Farmers’ markets, your local grocery store, and maybe your own garden are brimming with delicious vegetables and fruits this time of year. Why not start eating healthier right now? At each meal, fill half of your plate with foods like the ones shown below. They’ll help you protect your body from conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Be sure to try the seasonal recipes (at right) from Zachari Breeding, R.D., a dietitian and chef in Philadelphia, and founder of

Rich in antioxidants that help fight chronic disease
Get this: Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, or strawberries
Look for: Plump, firm fruit with no signs of mold on the bottom of the container
Store it: Wash berries, and refrigerate in an airtight container.
Make this: Mixed Berry Oats

95% water to keep you hydrated
Get this: Garden, English, or Kirby cucumbers
Look for: Firm, evenly colored skin with no bruises or soft spots
Store it: In the crisper drawer
Make this: Jazz up plain water with thin cucumber slices.

Lots of fiber, and that’s good for the heart
Get this: Grapefruit, lemons, pomelos, or tangerines
Look for: Slightly soft fruit with a sweet smell
Store it: Somewhere dark and at room temperature, on a soft surface like a kitchen towel
Make this: Sear fruit on the grill, and pair with fish or poultry dishes.

Flavorful substitutes for salt
Get this: Basil, cilantro, oregano, parsley, or mint
Look for: Vibrant, not wilted, greens with a strong scent
Store it: In the crisper drawer up to four to five days
Make this: Toss parsley and mint with couscous, lemon juice, tomatoes, and oil to make tabbouleh.

Ripe with nutrients that lower “bad” cholesterol
Get this: Cherry, heirloom, or yellow tomatoes
Look for: Firm but not hard fruit with a strong scent
Store it: At room temperature on a soft surface
Make this: Caprese-Pesto Salad

Loads of B vitamins that help regulate blood sugar
Get this: Summer squash, zucchini, or zucchini blossoms
Look for: A vibrant exterior with no visible bruises or soft spots
Store it: In the crisper drawer or at room temperature on a soft surface
Make this: Sauté summer squash medallions with olive oil, and garnish with fresh mint.

Full of iron for healthy red blood cells
Get this: Collards, kale, spinach, Swiss chard, or arugula
Look for: Vibrant, not wilted, greens with stems that snap slightly when broken
Store it: In the crisper drawer up to four to five days
Make this: For delicious balance in a salad, use a blend of greens, like peppery arugula and sweet spinach.

Packed with bone-strengthening magnesium
Get this: Cantaloupe, honeydew, or watermelon
Look for: Unbruised fruit that smells sweet at its stem end
Store it: Somewhere dark and at room temperature, on a soft surface
Make this: Melon-Mint Water Ice