Cold and flu dos and don’ts

What you should do to avoid getting sick this season

Man talking to doctor

It is possible to stay healthy during cold and flu season, even if COPD is a concern. Watch for early warning signs of COPD flare-ups and report them right away. This may include pneumonia. Consider these recommendations from the COPD Foundation to avoid colds, flu, and pneumonia.

DO see your health care professional at your regularly scheduled appointment even if you feel fine.

DO get an annual flu shot unless your doctor recommends not to. Everyone 6 months and older should get the vaccine.

DON'T forget to check if you are due for a pneumonia shot. It can greatly reduce your risk of developing pneumonia.

DO wash your hands often and carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer for when you cannot wash your hands.

DON'T touch your mouth, eyes, and nose in public to help prevent germs from entering your body.

DO stay away from crowds, especially during cold and flu season.

DO use your own pen, especially when signing in at your doctor’s office or other health care appointments.

DON'T smoke, as it makes it harder for the lungs to fight off an infection.

DO get plenty of sleep. When your body is tired, you’re more likely to get sick.