Stay active to feel your best!

A little exercise every day makes a big difference

Man enjoying a bike ride

Being physically active is a key part of staying healthy. You’ll benefit in so many ways, including better control of your blood sugar levels, less body fat, and stronger muscles. You’ll also feel like you have more energy to do the things you love.

You don’t have to start lifting weights or running races. Aim for at least 30 minutes of activity five days a week. If that doesn’t work for you, try to do three 10-minute bursts of activity during the day. Take the stairs, walk to visit a coworker, do a few bends and stretches.

Now that summer has arrived, head outdoors, and do something you enjoy! Walk the dog, ride a bike, tend to your garden, play catch, or take a hike.

If you’re beginning a new exercise program, keep these things in mind:

TALK to your health care professional about the type of exercise that’s best for you, and also find out if there are activities to avoid.

ASK your doctor what your glucose levels should be before, during, and after exercise.

DISCUSS the effects your medication might have on physical activity.

CHECK your blood sugar levels before you start exercising.

WEAR supportive but comfortable shoes that are appropriate for the activity.

CARRY a just-in-case kit that includes your glucose meter and glucose tablets.


  1. Ask a pal to be your fitness buddy, and make regular exercise dates.
  2. Start slowly and go at your own pace.
  3. Exercise in a cool place or in the shade, and stay hydrated by drinking water.
  4. Listen to music while you move.
  5. Make goals, record your workouts, and track your progress. Be sure to celebrate your accomplishments.
  6. Don’t give up if you miss a day—pick it up the next day!