Eat Your Vitamins

Enjoy a Well Rounded Diet to Get Nutrients You Need

woman taking vitamins

Your body needs vitamins and minerals to function properly. Different vitamins and minerals do different things: for example, some help your body fight against infections while others help build strong bones.

It’s important to try to eat a balanced diet so you get as many nutrients from foods as possible. The amount of vitamins and minerals you need differs from person to person and depends on gender, age, diet and other factors. Some older people, for example, may need to take extra calcium or vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis and keep bones healthy.

Use the information below to make sure you’re eating a variety of foods and nutrients. Make sure to talk with your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian about your specific nutritional needs. Let your provider know about any vitamins, dietary supplements or herbal supplements you take.

Vitamin: A


What It Does:
Helps keep skin and eyes healthy, and boosts the immune system


Food Sources:
Kale, spinach, broccoli, sweet potatoes, liver, eggs, oily fish, whole milk


Vitamin: B6


What It Does:
Helps blood carry oxygen through the body and is good for the nervous system


Food Sources:
Kale, spinach, broccoli, carrots, whole grains, bananas, egg yolks, liver


Vitamin: B9 (folic acid or folate)


What It Does:
Prevents some birth defects and helps the body produce cells


Food Sources:
Oranges, beans, peas, green leafy vegetables, fortified cereal


Vitamin: B12


What It Does:
Prevents anemia, a condition that results from a shortage of red blood cells, and is good for the nervous system


Food Sources:
Eggs, milk, poultry, sardines, flounder, nutritional yeast and fortified foods including cereal and soy beverages


Vitamin: B1, B2, B3, B5


What It Does:
Helps the body use proteins, fats and carbs, and is good for skin


Food Sources:
Whole grain and fortified cereal, milk, pork, liver, peanuts


Vitamin: C


What It Does:
Helps keep the immune system healthy, absorb iron from plant foods and heal wounds


Food Sources:
Tomatoes, citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers, broccoli, spinach, cabbage


Vitamin: D


What It Does:
Vital for keeping bones and teeth healthy and helps the body absorb calcium


Food Sources:
Oily fish, dairy products and fortified cereal, plus exposure to sunlight


Vitamin: E


What It Does:
An antioxidant that helps protect cells and repair tissue, and is good for skin and eyes


Food Sources:
Avocados, vegetable oils, nuts, peas, beans, spinach, beef liver, egg yolk, broccoli


Vitamin: K


What It Does:
Needed for blood clotting and helps keep teeth and bones healthy


Food Sources:
Cheese, green leafy vegetables, blueberries, eggs, cereal, vegetable oils


Mineral: Calcium


What It Does:
Important for strong bones and teeth, and helps muscles and nerves operate


Food Sources:
Milk, cheese, yogurt, greens, nuts, tofu, canned salmon with bones


Mineral: Iron


What It Does:
Helps produce red blood cells and is needed for a healthy immune system


Food Sources:
Poultry, fish, red meat, lentils, peas, spinach, nuts, dried fruits, fortified cereal


Mineral: Magnesium


What It Does:
Needed for muscle and nerve function and helps the body release energy from food


Food Sources:
Legumes, black beans, seafood, almonds and other nuts, seeds, bran cereal


Mineral: Zinc


What It Does:
Strengthens the immune system to help fight off bacteria and viruses


Food Sources:
Seafood, red meat, poultry, beans, whole grains, milk, eggs, fortified cereal