Tingling ... pain ... numbness?

Here’s how you can slow down nerve damage

woman smiling

People with diabetes often suffer from nerve damage. Tingling, pain, and numbness in your feet and hands are signals that nerves aren’t working as they should. Letting your doctor know if you have discomfort will help him or her monitor your symptoms. You can do a few things to treat symptoms and slow the progress of nerve damage:

Control your blood sugar
Eat a healthy diet, stay active, and check your blood sugar levels regularly.

Be careful when exercising
Some types of exercise are not safe for people with nerve damage. Ask your doctor if there are activities you should avoid.

Check your feet regularly
Look for wounds or scratches, and always wear shoes and socks. Ask your doctor if you need special shoes for people with diabetes.

Taking these kinds of steps will help keep your nerve pain from becoming worse. If you feel that your pain is increasing, talk to your doctor. He or she may prescribe medication to help you feel better.